Our Mission - Community Sustainability by Creating and Protecting Local Jobs!
50% of shopping centers are predicted to close by 2030.
Job losses will be in the millions, thousands of communities devastated.
http://www.abc.netThe economic benefits of spending money locally are significant. Money spent locally circulates in the community several times. An extra $10 a week per person spent locally can create billions of dollars in local commerce. It helps local businesses prosper, it protects local jobs and most importantly it protects municipal tax revenues.
(see video and chart below)Municipal tax contributions help pay for the teachers, police, firefighters and municipal services that are vital to every community. As more and more people shop online, local job losses will have a significant long-term impact on the economic stability of thousands of communities.
The smartest way to protect local jobs and municipal tax revenues to achieve community sustainability is to shop online at local businesses. Nearest.com is an online marketplace featuring products and services from municipal tax paying businesses that create jobs locally.
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Keep it local - we all win!
How will nearest.com keep money circulating locally to protect local jobs and Sustain Communities?
Our shopping section features products and services from municipal tax paying businesses that create local jobs! Online shopping from local businesses that contribute to our communities by creating local jobs and by paying significant property taxes to help pay for teachers, police, firefighters and municipal services is the best online shopping option to help sustain communities.
Coming Soon: Shop "Made in Canada" shopping zone featuring Canadian manufactured products with one-click to the nearest retail location merchandising the product!
Keep it local - we all win!
Why does money spent locally have such a significant impact on local jobs?
Because money spent locally circulates in the community several times, it's called 'The Local Multiplier Effect'.
An extra $10 a week per person spent locally creates billions of dollars a year in local commerce and protects local jobs.

If everyone in Canada and the US spent on average $10 more a week locally, it would generate an extra $1.5 Trillion in local commerce over 3 years.
Imagine how many local jobs would be protected and created with an additional $1.5 Trillion circulation in our communities every 3 years!

Support those that support our communities!
Shopping locally is a way to say thank you to the local businesses that pay significant municipal taxes
to help pay for the teachers that teach our children, the police and
firefighters that protect our homes and for the many other services that sustain our communities.